welcome to the essentials.
good friends, good tunes, and good musicians, mean good times!
we enjoy playing
material and making it our own! we believe that the essentials
will surprise you with our variety of music ranging from the 60's to the top 40
of today! even though it makes it extremely difficult to categorize a band
that goes from Pink, Bonnie Raitt, Kelly Clarkson and
Adele to Gavin Degraw, Marvin Gaye, Meghan Trainor, Train, The Beatles and back to
Carrie Underwood, and Kings of Leon! we love the diversity and
being able to keep a crowd of multiple generations dancing and having a great
time together!
driven by
three and four part harmonies and a heart pumping rhythm section, the essentials
are: dorothy & roger hoilman, dustin samples, nick bucci and dan sarkissian.
come out and experience the essentials for
yourself! it's all you need!
we are the essentials!

Photos by Pat Bush

Essential members:
Dorothy Hoilman vocals
Roger Hoilman
guitar, vocals
Nick Bucci
guitar, vocals
Dan Sarkissian
drums, vocals
Dustin Samples bass, vocals
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